I sometimes feel like I do have something interesting to say

Keywords: life

I feel like composing a novel, or a short story would be an amazing feeling, and an even better accomplishment should someone actually read it and enjoy it. Hollywood has taught me that writing is difficult, and everyone has writers block almost all the time. But if I can recapture the joy that I felt writing the story about a police officer trying to foil a terrorist (not sure why I was writing a serious piece like this when I was ~14) then perhaps the words will just flow. It’s likely that I’ll write this piece and nothing else, but at least I’ve started, at least I’ve tried. I’m perhaps not the best at communicating with others about serious topics, so my hope is that if I can write a few blog posts I might even be able to write about something serious, or even my feelings! Who knows, maybe this will be cathartic, or a new way for me to process what I’m thinking.
