It makes me giddy just thinking about it

Keywords: big magic , creativity , elizabeth gilbert , writing

[Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear”] is changing my life at the moment – as someone who has lost a bit of inspiration, of motivation, to write, with a demanding day job and other priorities. Elizabeth is reminding me of why it’s important to pursue your creative passions without fear or agenda, and without this, I wouldn’t be close to sitting in a coffee shop, writing this post, and thinking about what I love.

I think that posting will help me to become a better writer

Keywords: other , an introduction , intro , introduction , kadotakesan , meet me , welcome

I have had many a wonderful experience writing, and have already met so many other people who have encouraged me on my writing journey. It is my hope to do the same and empower others to make their writing the best it can become. I wish to learn from you, my readers, too – I want to hear about your experiences and things that you like about writing.