Stories are what’s left after our experiences have come and gone

Keywords: {0}

I won’t lie, a lot of my experiences with the real world have let me down, but I could always count on creating my own world to escape it all. Doodles, paintings, crafts, choreography, until eventually learning how to pour my heart out on paper by giving life to my thoughts. I like to call this place “the nothing space”. Turning some of life’s most painful moments into something perpetually alluring helped me to survive them. Overcome them. learn from them. And while, of course, my life has certainly not been all doom and gloom, writing has helped me celebrate and appreciate the good times, too.

It’s important to me to make a good first impression

Keywords: my lifestyle , blog , challenge , friedreichs ataxia , mindfulness , neuromuscular , positivity , wheelchair , writing

A good first impression would mean people continuing to read my experiences, and the more people read, the more I can contribute. This first post centers around my epiphany for creating a blog, and the events that lead up to it, well, because why? It’s such a simple question but more than just a one sentence answer.